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Amazing Noni "Apatot" Plant


"Apatot" is a plant what we call in the Phillipines for Nonu, Nono, or Noni which has become popular for years ago in treating ailments and disorders in the body. People in our place who’ve been using it called it as a “miracle plant” as they testified that they have been cured from their illnesses.

My story...

Back in year 2000, one of our staff from vacation in Leyte told me that his mother, who suffered from acute arthritis which she could hardly walk has been cured by the treatment of Noni juice. He said Noni juice is very popular in their town because many were cured from any ailments even without a doctor medication or buying medicines from the drugstores.

On that time here in our place, South Cotabato, Noni also became popular. In fact, it was sold and grabbed by many in the market -- from roots to barks, twigs, leaves and fruits. The barks were sold in pack and used as a tea by boiling it with water. The matured fruits were sold at P150.00 – P200.00 per kilo and even the young ones were sold out at a lower price. As most people using it, they used to ripened the matured fruits and smashed into a puree and the juice is extracted through a cloth. The young ones are boiled and also taken as a tea. The twigs were sold at P10.00 for making use of it anyhow. But mine, as user of natural medicines, I tried planting it, hoping and praying it would grow someday; and wow!, the twigs grew up and became a big tree. 

By year 2002, I started picking up the ripe fruits fallen on the ground day to day and sometimes harvested up in the tree in volume when fruits are abundant. I used to wash it clean and stock in a glass jar when ripe and  ready to produce juice then refrigerate. When it produces juice I take a spoonful before bedtime and before breakfast. I tested it for myself observing how it affects my body glands. So, there was a frequent urinating, feeling of warmth and excessive perspiration. The first month I took it regularly, pimples and acne appeared and spread over my face and then gone. The pain I was suffering in my leg also gone. As I intake it continuously increasing 2 tablespoons each morning and each night, my menstrual disorder was normalized and there was no more dysmenorrhea. What was surprising is that it also promotes sex drives. I never have told this to anyone even to my husband until I am confident that it really cures illness and safe to use. Yes, I firmly believe in the effectiveness of pure Noni juice. It’s really an incredible immune system builder and has strong anti-toxin properties, too!

My husband would not believe in it! He hates the smell of ripe Noni fruit and he even warned me not to store it in the refrigerator. But when he suffered from painful rheumatism that always forced him to go to a doctor, he secretly tried for a spoonful of the pure juice each day, as he confessed. I laughed at him when I caught him on the act because he swore before not to try it when he confronted me. His illness completely cured by just taking spoonful of pure juice each morning and evening. We both became a regular user of Noni juice. I also use to add it to juice drinks for my children.

Clinics, hospitals and drugstores at that time lack patients and customers because people were only relying on the effectiveness of Noni and other plants. This maybe the reason why Noni was banned claiming that it is dangerous to health and that will possibly cause to death. I don’t believe it! I think they’re just making bad stories against it because as far as I know, according to the history, Noni has been used as a food source of Polynesians and became a staple food choice in times of famine to sustain strength. So whatever people say or how they banned Noni, we remain using it until now. I think more than ten years (now 20 years in Year 2024 with God's grace) of using, it is more than enough to prove that it is safe to use." Thanks God I found this fruit!  Milyong salamat po sa Dios!

Updated: 02.26.2024

Plants That Promote Hair Growth

7 Plants That Promote Hair Growth ... → Hair:


Widely known for its amazing ability to aid hair growth, treat dandruff and keep scalp properly moisturized and balanced, Aloe Vera is one of those versatile plants you can use just anyhow you want without having to worry about any side effects! Add Aloe Vera gel to your shampoo to create a cleansing solution, mix it with your favorite essential oils for a nurturing hair mask or combine one quarter of a cup of almond oil with one half of a cup Aloe Vera for a non-greasy, non toxic gel!


Also known as Greek Hay or Methi, this herb is widely used in many natural hair growth treatments. It is said to do wonders for thinning hair, bald spots as well as hair quality in general which means that you can use it to prevent or treat an existing condition. Boil Fenugreek seed powder and use this liquid as a restorative rinse to thicken your thinning tresses and cure dandruff or mix this powder with coconut milk or your favorite essential oils to use as a scalp mask.


This great-smelling herb can really slow down premature hair loss and help you have thick, long hair of your dreams! It stimulates roots, soothes an irritated scalp, will condition and moisturize your hair root to end and can even slightly darken your graying hair! Pretty neat, huh? Well, then it’s time to determine whether or not you can use Rosemary (and I have to point that out because not all people react well to it) and give this natural hair growth treatment a shot!


Also known as Ganoderma lucidum, this Chinese mushroom is yet another ancient hair growth treatment I’d like to bring to your attention. It’s usually mixed with other herbs and used as a restorative tonic that helps slow down premature hair loss although ancient Chinese medicine acknowledges its other benefits as well! Reishi Mushroom is actually very rich in antioxidants and, as such, is a real rejuvenating treat!


Speaking about anti-oxidant rich herbs… Have you heard of Ginko Biloba before? Well, apart from being one of the most praised anti-aging herbs, Ginko can be used as a natural hair growth treatment too! It increases blood flow into the scalp, helping your tissues get all the oxygen they need to function properly thus speeding up your metabolism and boosting your immunity and hair growth! Awesome! There is one catch, though! Ginko can thin you blood which means you must consult your doctor before you decide to use it.

Looking for an interesting new oil to use for your hair growth treatments? How about Safflower oil? It’s probably not as widely known as other essential oils such as rosemary or castor oil but it’s just as beneficial and crucial for healthy, long, thick hair! This amazing oil should be used for scalp massages as it helps widen the blood vessels, ensuring increased blood flow into the scalp.

I’ve already mentioned this fabulous plant – haven’t I? Well, let’s talk about it some more! Now, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but as it turns out, fast growing hair is not the only thing you’ll get if you decide to use this herb in your hair care routine! Yup, I’m talking I’m about healthy, shiny hair that doesn’t split as easily as it once did as well as thick, luscious tresses you could only dream about before! Isn’t that amazing? Well, all you have to do is soak one teaspoon of dried Catnip into one cup of hot water, let it cool down, strain and use this tea as a natural mask you’ll leave in your hair anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours!

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5 Foods That'll Make You Look Younger

5 Foods That'll Make You Look Younger | Healthy Living - Yahoo She Philippines: "

The key to glowing skin lies in your stomach.

1. Sweet Potatoes
Beta-carotene, which makes these tubers orange, balances your skin's pH, helps combat dryness, and promotes cell turnover, all resulting in smoother skin.

2. Wild Salmon
The pigment that makes the fish pink, astaxanthin, is a powerful foe of free radicals, rogue molecules that damage cell membranes and DNA and cause skin to age. A study found that eating one serving every five days can prevent actinic keratoses-ugly rough patches that are precancerous.

3. Tomatoes
The fruit's red pigment, lycopene, is a potent antioxidant that shields skin from sun damage-like sunscreen, but from the inside out. To best absorb lycopene, eat tomatoes with olive oil.

4. Citrus Fruits
Vitamin C is essential to building collagen, a vital component of young-looking skin, which starts breaking down in your twenties. Citrus also contains bioflavonoids, which protect skin from UV rays and help prevent cell death.

5. Leafy Greens
Spinach, kale, and other greens contain lutein, which protects skin from sun-induced inflammation and wrinkles."

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How To Use Baking Soda in 75 Different Ways


1. Use it as an antacid.
2. Use it as underarm deodorant by applying it with a powder puff.
3. Mix half a teaspoon with peroxide paste and use it as toothpaste.
4. Use it as a face and body scrub.
5. Add a cup to bathwater to soften your skin.
6. Relieve skin itch from insect bites and pain from sunburn.
7. Remove strong odors from your hands by rubbing them with baking soda and water.
8. Put two tablespoons in your baby’s bathwater to help relieve diaper rash.
9. Apply it on rashes, insect bites, and poison ivy irritations.
10. Take a baking soda bath to relieve skin irritations.
11. Heartburn? Take a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with one-half glass of water.
12. Freshen your mouth by gargling half a teaspoon of baking soda mixed water.
13. Relieve canker sore pain by using it as mouthwash.
14. Use it to relieve bee stings.
15. Use it to relieve windburns.
16. Apply it on jellyfish sting to draw out the venom.
17. Unblock stuffy nose by adding a teaspoon of baking soda to your vaporizer.


18. Keep cut flowers fresh longer by adding a teaspoon to the water in the vase.
19. Put out small fires on rugs, upholstery, clothing, and wood.
20. Put an open container of baking soda in the fridge to absorb the odors.
21. Sprinkle it on your ashtrays to reduce bad odor and prevent smoldering.
22. Sprinkle it on your slippers, boots, shoes, and socks to eliminate foul odor.
23. Turn baking soda into modeling clay by combining it with one and 1/4 cups of water and one cup of cornstarch.
24. After feeding your baby, wipe his shirt with a moist cloth sprinkled with baking soda to remove the odor.
25. Wipe your windshield with it to repel rain.
26. Improve the smell of dishrags by soaking them in baking soda and water.
27. Suck it in with your vacuum cleaner to remove the odor.
28. Freshen the air by mixing baking soda with your favorite perfumed bath salts. Put the mixture in small sachet bags.
29. Restore stiff brushes by boiling them in a solution of 1/2 gallon of water, 1/4 cup of vinegar, and a cup of baking soda.
30. Put it under sinks and along basement windows to repel cockroaches and ants.
31. Scatter baking soda around flowerbeds to prevent rabbits from eating your veggies.
32. Sweeten your tomatoes by sprinkling baking soda on the soil around your tomato plants.
33. Sprinkle it onto your cat’s litter box to absorb the bad odor.
34. Sprinkle it on your pet’s comb or brush to deodorize their fur and skin.


35. Use it as a substitute for baking powder by mixing with it with cream of tartar or vinegar.
36. Wash fruits and vegetables with it.
37. When boiling a chicken, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. Feathers will come off easier, and the flesh will be clean and white.
38. Soak dried beans to a baking soda solution to make them more digestible.
39. Remove the distinctive taste of wild game by soaking it in a baking soda solution.
40. Make a sports drink by mixing it with boiled water, salt, and Kool-Aid.
41. Remove the fishy smell from your fillets by soaking the raw fish in a baking soda solution for an hour inside the fridge.
42. Make fluffier omelets by adding half a teaspoon of baking soda for every three eggs used.
43. Reduce the acid content of your tomato-based recipes by sprinkling them with a pinch of baking soda.


44. Add a cup to the toilet, leave it for an hour, and then flush. It will clean the toilet and absorb the odor.
45. Use it to scrub sinks, showers, plastic and porcelain tubs
46. Spray it on walls, mirrors, and countertops.
47. Add a spoonful to your dishwasher to make scrubbing dishes easier.
48. Remove grease from pots and pans.
49. Dry clean carpets and upholstered furniture by sprinkling baking soda over the fabric and gently brushing it. Leave it for an hour or overnight, then vacuum.
50. Boost your laundry detergent’s cleaning power by sprinkling a handful on dirty clothes.
51. Combine it with water to make a paste for polishing stainless steel and chrome.
52. Remove scratches and crayon marks from vinyl floors and walls.
53. Clean your shoes with it.
54. Clean garbage cans with it.
55. Use it to wash diapers.
56. Clean the fridge with it.
57. Soak brushes and combs in a baking soda solution.
58. Mix it with water to wash food and drink containers.
59. Put three tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of warm water, then use the mixture to wash marble-topped furniture.
60. Absorb it with a damp sponge, then clean Formica countertops with the sponge.
61. Use it to get rid of stale odors from cooling containers and thermos bottles.
62. Run your coffee maker with a baking soda solution, then rinse.
63. Combine with hot water to clean baby bottles.
64. Sprinkle it on barbecue grills, then rinse it off.
65. Scatter it on your greasy garage floor, scrub the floor, and rinse.
66. Remove burned-on food from a pan by soaking it in a baking soda solution for 10 minutes before washing.
67. Clean your ashtrays with a baking soda solution.
68. Keep your drains clean by putting four tablespoons of baking soda in them each week. Flush it down with hot water.
69. Clean your shower curtains by soaking them in baking soda and water.
70. Put it on a small brush to rub canvas handbags clean.
71. Use it to remove melted plastic bread wrapper from a toaster. Sprinkle baking soda on a damp rug, then use the rug to clean the toaster.
72. Use it to clean your retainers and dentures.
73. Make a thick paste of baking soda and water, and used it to scrub enameled cast iron and stainless steel.
74. Mix four tablespoons of baking soda with a quart of warm water, and use it to clean the inside part of an oven.
75. Use it to unclog gas stoves.

The most amazing thing about baking soda is that it’s very cheap. You can do all these things for a very small cost. Baking soda is truly a miracle product, whether it’s used for baking or not.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200237686004084&set=a.2320565212835.2106160.1210704737&type=1&theater

4 Things You Didn’t Know About Cooking with Garlic

Garlic infuses delicious flavor into dishes and preparing it in certain ways can boost both its flavor and health benefits. Find out how to prepare and cook with garlic to for maximum potency and how to cure garlic breath and get rid of garlic smell on hands.

1. Use Fresh Garlic, Not Bottled Garlic for the Most Health Benefits of Garlic
Allicin, a healthy compound in garlic, is most potent in fresh cloves. Japanese researchers found that crushed garlic stored in water lost about half its allicin in six days; stored in vegetable oil it lost that much in under three hours.

2. For Maximum Health Benefits of Garlic, Cut and Wait
Cutting a garlic clove breaks its cells and releases stored enzymes that react with oxygen. That triggers healthy sulfide compounds, such as allicin, to form. Letting the chopped garlic stand for 10 to 15 minutes before cooking allows the compounds to fully develop before heat inactivates the enzymes.

3. What's the Best Way to Use Garlic: Crush, Mince or Mash?
The more you damage garlic's cell walls the more sulfide-transforming enzymes you release-and with them, more pungent garlic flavor. Since crushing breaks the most cells, crushed garlic cloves taste harsher, sliced or coarsely chopped garlic cloves milder. Intact garlic cloves are mildest of all. (Cook's tip: Mashing minced garlic with a pinch of coarse salt helps tame the harsh flavor.)

4. How to Get Rid of Garlic Breath and Garlic Smell from Hands
To get rid of garlic breath, brush, floss, nibble parsley-and drink milk: its fats and water help deodorize volatile compounds.

To get rid of garlic smell from your hands, rub garlicky-smelling hands with a lemon wedge, salt, baking soda or maybe even a piece of stainless steel, like your kitchen faucet (molecules in steel are thought to block odor-producing reactions). Rinse hands well with water.

By the Editors of EatingWell

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Filipino Best Recipes: NESTLÉ: How to Eat and Drink for Exercise

Things you need to know about eating and drinking for exercise:

1. Eat a light and healthy meal before exercising. If you don’t eat, you may feel sluggish or lightheaded during exercise. Try NESTLÉ Fruit Selection Yogurt, NESTLÉ NESVITA Pro-Weight Management Non-fat Milk, or NESVITA Cereal Beverage. A slice of bread or a small piece of fruit are also good choices. And then wait one or two hours before starting any activity.

2. If you need to eat a big meal before exercising, wait it out. Large meals usually take 3 to 4 hours to be completely digested. The ideal time to wait before starting any fitness activity is about:

1/2 hour after a light snack
1 hour after a light meal, heavy snack, or meal replacement drink
2 hours after a regular meal
3 hours after a big feast

3. Don’t eat while exercising. If you do, your body shifts fluid and blood away from your muscles and into the gastrointestinal tract. This increases your risk of stomach ache or muscle cramps.

4. Make sure you’re well hydrated before, during and after exercise. Muscle cramps are caused by excess water loss or dehydration through perspiration. Prevent cramps after exercise, specially the night after exercise, by keeping well hydrated.

Drink at least 2 cups of water about 2 hours before exercise.
Drink another 2 cups of water within 20 minutes of exercise.
And drink water during exercise. Whether you feel thirsty or not, drink 1/2 cup of water every 10-15 minutes.
After exercise, compare your post-exercise weight with your pre-exercise weight and drink 2 to 3 cups of water for every pound lost.

5. It’s very important to eat a healthy meal after a workout. This helps the muscles recover and replaces their glycogen stores. Glycogen is the fuel we burn when we exercise.

6. It is not advised to eat a heavy meal in the first hour after exercise. Have a snack or light meal about 30 minutes after exercise. The ideal post-exercise snack is light and nutritious, like a cup of NESTLÉ NESVITA Pro-Weight Management Non-fat Milk, NESTLÉ Acti-V or NESTLÉ Fruit Selection Yogurt.

7. Avoid consuming too much fatty food just before exercising. Fats are harder to digest and remain in your stomach longer, and thus may cause you to feel uncomfortable.


Boost your health and immune system with the right kind of food.

There's no such thing as good or bad food, only a good and bad diet. Here are some food which you might want to include to maintain a good diet.

Love your heart just a little bit more by pampering it with oatmeal! Oats have soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol. In fact, studies have shown that people who regularly eat oatmeal are less likely to develop heart diseases. So keep your heart beating stronger by consuming a bowl of NESVITA Oatmeal today!

There’s nothing ordinary about this dark-greened vegetable! In fact what is found inside makes it so extraordinary! Broccoli contains compounds that were found to have powerful cancer-fighting substances: sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. It is also contains fiber and may have anti-ulcer activity.

Bananas are packed with nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Aside from their nutritional value, bananas may very well act as a first-aid remedy for diarrhea.

Watermelon has always been dismissed as an insignificant fruit mainly because it is 91 percent water. But, did you know that it contains beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid that’s associated with reduced heart disease risk? It is also abundant in Lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce cancer.

Moringa or Malunggay
Don’t let its size deceive you! It may be small, but this vegetable is definitely loaded with so many nutrients! In fact, health experts refer to Malunggay as “nature’s medicine cabinet” because it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, Malunggay is also known for its medicinal properties, including helping strengthen the immune system, restore skin condition, heal inflamed joints and control blood pressure.

Remember, the right diet can help you attain the healthy body you need to enjoy life to the fullest!


Daily activities to help keep you fit!

Do you find yourself fighting off the little bulges? And much as you want to go to the gym to shed off a few pounds, your hectic schedule simply does not permit? Sadly, for some, taking care of one’s body through exercise is always at the bottom of the priority list. Good thing staying fit is not limited to the exercise routines performed inside the gym. Your day-to-day activities can actually count for a true-blue workout! Research suggests that maintaining an active lifestyle is the key to good health and weight management. Here are some simple little workouts that you can do to help keep you fit, trim and healthy!


Walking, according to experts, is an excellent way to burn calories. It also helps improve mood and reduce stress. Take time to have a 30-minute walk. If you think that the place you’re heading to is not that far, instead of riding the car, just walk. All you need to do is to have a comfortable pair of footwear with you always and you’re ready to go!


Just like walking, climbing up the stairs is a great calorie burner and will definitely help tone your leg muscles. More so, this type of exercise helps strengthen cardiovascular stamina. It increases blood circulation and improves lung and heart function.


You read it correctly. Cleaning the house is also a good way to keep your body healthy and fit. Intense cleaning can really tone specific parts of your body. For example, vacuum cleaning can do wonders to your arms and shoulders. And while you’re at it, put on a good music or two, jive to the beat so household chores become more fun!


Work out your body by dancing! The good thing about this activity is the fact that you can do it anywhere you want to, even in the comforts of your own home! Shake those calories off, keep the blood circulating, and reduce stress and tension by dancing! It is definitely one fun and hardworking exercise that will keep you young and energized! Need a partner? Hold the doorknob with one hand and imagine it’s your partner’s hand!


If you’re a mom or you have young siblings, then you can benefit tremendously from this excellent exercise in disguise! Running after your young one helps strengthen your stamina. The lifts will surely help tone your arm and leg muscles. Your mental alertness will also be practiced, as you have to be quick to respond to your child’s unpredictable antics. An afternoon of playtime would surely help burn fats significantly and leave you feeling good about yourself for putting a smile on your child’s face!

http://www.ehow.com/how_2164657_that-can-be-turned exercise.html#ixzz0wqHhmUWr

Why antioxidants are good for us

We all know that oxygen is essential for our bodies to function. But scientific studies have shown that oxygen can produce toxic substances as well. Some examples of these toxins are peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and something called “excited stage oxygen.”

When these substances combine with other molecules in the body, “free-radicals” are formed. These are high-energy chemical substances that can damage our healthy cells and cause diseases like inflammation and infections, degenerative arthritis, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. This free-radical damage is also known as oxidization.

Antioxidants work by preventing excessive oxidization and repairing the damage to the cells. Normally, our bodies can supply its own antioxidants. But when there is rapid production of free-radicals (from exercise, smoking, exposure to radiation or other metabolic processes like the breaking down of food), our bodies will need an additional supply of antioxidants from external sources.

Here’s an experiment you can do right in your kitchen. Cut an apple until it begins to turn brown. This discoloration is due to oxygen reacting with the apple, creating free-radicals. This is oxidization at work. Then, dip the apple in some lemon juice or orange juice, which contains vitamin C (an antioxidant), and watch the discoloration slow down. The vitamin C in the juice decreases the rate of free-radical activity taking place in the apple.

A recent study conducted by researchers from London found that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily can reduce the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.
Boost your body’s antioxidant level by consuming these foods:

Examples of Antioxidants  Food Sources
Carotenoidsbroccoli, spinach, squash, melon, sweet potato, carrots
Vitamin Ccitrus fruits, green peppers, broccoli, green leafy
vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes
Vitamin E nuts and seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables,
vegetable oil and liver oil
Vitamin Acarrots, broccoli, tomatoes, peaches, sweet potato, melon,
squash, cabbage, pechay, watermelon
Seleniumfish and shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, garlic
Lycopenetomatoes, watermelon, guava
Luteincorn, mango, broccoli, kiwi, spinach, melon, cabbage,
egg yolks, peas
Lignan oatmeal, sesame seeds, cashew, broccoli
Flavonoids/Polyphenolscoffee, tea, soy, red wine, purple grapes, onions, apples

Coffee, in particular, is an important and common source of antioxidants in many people’s diet throughout the world. Unlike food types that we can sometimes tire of, coffee remains a constant in our daily routine, ensuring that we receive antioxidants on a daily basis. So go ahead and enjoy a cup of antioxidants with NESCAFÉ and make it part of your daily habit!


A burning warning on microwave ovens

CONSUMERLINE By Ching M. Alano | The Philippine Star >> Lifestyle Features >> Health And Family

Now, this topic is hot, hot, hot! There’s probably one sitting in your kitchen. And you’re probably using it more than once a day. It’s that M word: the microwave oven, of course! Latest scientific clinical studies done by Swiss, Russian, and German experts dish out this burning warning: Throw away those microwave ovens! And here are the hot top 10 reasons why you should (as can be gleaned from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website):

1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long-term permanent brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain (de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue).

2. The human body cannot metabolize (or break down) the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.

3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

4. The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual (long term, permanent) within the human body.

5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food are reduced or altered, so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

6. The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

7. Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths (or tumors). This may explain the rapidly increasing rate of colon cancer in America.

8. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

9. Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10. Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

There are Russian research documents written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.

Ways to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles for Younger-Looking Skin

Ways to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles for Younger-Looking Skin - Yahoo! Philippines News:

To prevent and treat wrinkles, you should protect your skin from the sun, quit smoking, avoid stress, hydrate yourself, apply Tretinoin creams, use alpha hydroxyl acids, and consider opting for laser treatment.

As a person grows older, their skin becomes drier and less elastic, making it more prone to wrinkles. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent wrinkles, as well as skincare products that can treat them. You have probably heard of argan oil and anti aging benefits that it offers. Here are some ways to prevent and treat wrinkles:

Protect your skin from the sun

Sun exposure has been identified as one of the primary causes of wrinkles. The sun can dry out your skin, and when skin loses its natural oils and moisture, it is more prone to wrinkles. Because of this, it is very important to avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible. Before you go out of the house, be sure to protect your skin by applying sunscreen lotion with sufficient sun protection factor (SPF). Not only can the sun dry out your skin, but it can also cause sunburn and irritation.

Quit smoking

Aside from being harmful to one's overall health, smoking also has aging effects on the skin. The term "smoker face" has been attributed to the manifestations of smoking on one's physical features. These include the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the smoker's face, especially around the lips, corners of the eyes and the lower jaw. The best and most effective solution to avoid these negative consequences is simply to quit smoking.

Avoid stress

Stress has always been said to make skin look aged and unhealthy. It is best to unwind from work and stressful activities regularly. Keep an optimistic disposition, engage in a sport or exercise and eat healthy food. Additionally, get enough sleep every night.

Hydrate yourself

Dehydration can cause skin to dry out. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day, or even more if you frequently drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol. Additionally, drink plenty of water after exercising or doing any strenuous physical activity to replenish your body of the water it has lost.

Apply Tretinoin creams

Tretinoin creams are made from vitamin A and are known to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. They are prescribed by dermatologists to treat skin imperfections caused by sun exposure, age spots and even wrinkles. You may ask the advice of a dermatologist and whether a Tretinoin cream is right for you, as this treatment can only be dispensed to customers with a prescription.

Use alpha hydroxyl acids

Some research has shown that alpha hydroxyl acids are effective at removing wrinkles and age spots. This treatment, however, should be used with caution as it increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Users of alpha hydroxyl acids should minimize sun exposure because it could damage and irritate the skin. It is best to seek expert advice from a dermatologist regarding this kind of treatment.

Consider opting for laser treatments

Erbium lasers and carbon dioxide lasers are well-known treatments for wrinkles. These laser treatments are quite expensive and are considered a minor surgical procedure.

Although skin aging is natural, there are still methods and products that can help you have healthy skin free from wrinkles.

Suppressing your appetite: Some tips

One of the main hurdles of losing weight is one's own appetite. Skipping meals is a big no-no, but it is those in-between snacks that should be avoided. How can you avoid getting cravings in between your meals? Become Gorgeous lists some tips on how to suppress your appetite withour compromising your health:
  1. Your body needs food in order to function properly so in no case you should avoid eating. One should eat 5 times a day; 3 regular meals and 2 snacks but if you feel that this routine doesn't really work for you, try to eat more often but eat smaller portions. Your body doesn't need big portions of food, so try a medium serving size, similar to the potions served in most restaurants. 
  2. Do not skip breakfast or lunch or dinner as each of these meals are important for your body. Make sure you eat healthy foods, rich in vitamins and nutrients. Eat your vegetables and don't neglect your protein, healthy fats as well as fibers as your body needs the all in certain proportions. 
  3. Drink water whenever you are feeling hungry between meals. It is recommended you drink at least 8 glasses of water every single day so try to progressively increase your daily water intake until you reach the recommended daily intake. Water is highly beneficial for the body as it helps maintain the body hydrated, it helps maintain the skins elasticity, helps flush out the toxins in the body as well as helps with the fat burning process. Water has 0 calories so you can drink as much water as you wish. 
  4. Try to keep yourself occupied by doing something you love. It's usually when you have nothing to do that the sensation of hunger (even if you just ate) takes over. If you do something you love, your mind will concentrate on the thing you are doing, thus the sensation of hunger will go away. The more you think about how hungry you're getting the more hungry you'll feel, so try to control yourself. 
  5. Eat foods which help suppress hunger naturally, leaving you with a sensation of fullness. These foods are apples, fish, eggs, etc. They are not foods with a high calorie content so you will be able to have that sensation of fullness without adding too many calories. 
  6. Eat slowly and use small plates to "trick" your body and mind that you are actually eating more. Chew your food well so that your stomach doesn't have to do too much work in breaking down what you're eating, this way helping speed u your metabolism and the absorption of food. 
Source: Become Gorgeous

Healthy eating during the holidays

Healthy eating during the holidays

MANILA, Philippines - The holiday season is a time of celebrations, and when there is celebration, there is also food.

The food items served during Christmas parties, noche buena, and media noche are truly delectable but also, most of them, unhealthy. Most of these are fried, cream based, with cheese, oily, sweet and salty, and with processed meat, not to mention the alcoholic beverages that you are going to pair them with. In other words, they are heavily laden with fat and calories.

It's a given that these food items are irresistible, that is why weight-conscious individuals and those on the heavy side can't help sighing at those extra pounds gained after all the cheers. However, what is uglier than those bloated bellies are the health problems that may arise from your overindulgence. So it is important to monitor everything you eat if you want to stay merry long after the last of the fireworks has exploded.

Here are some tips on how to eat without the guilt during the holidays.
  • Always eat a heavy but healthy breakfast. This way, you will stay filled up the whole morning and you won't be tempted to try yummy Christmas goodies before lunch.
  • If you are hosting a party or preparing dinner at home on Christmas eve, make sure that you are serving a balanced meal. This includes vegetable and fruits, healthy salads, low-fat dairy products, and low-fat meat.
  • In preparing your veggies, do not overcook them. Try to keep them as close to raw as possible. Do not fry them, as they are going to be soaked in oil. Boiling them will make them lose their nutrients. Steaming is the best way to cook veggies. If you want your vegetables to be tastier, instead of salt, add flavor using pepper or fresh herbs.
  • For your meat, instead of serving pork, you prepare turkey and white chicken meat (breast). They are both low in fat, good for those watching their weight. However, this is not to say that dark chicken meat does not have its own health benefits. Serving fish at Christmas dinner is also recommended.
  • Dairy products are not totally forbidden. You just have to make sure that you are using low-fat varieties in cooking. Examples of low-fat dairy products are Greek-style yoghurt and fromage frais. Also use less cream.

 When you are attending parties and other gathering, here are some  healthy tricks.
  • Do not go to a party very hungry. The hungrier you feel, the more you eat.
  • Always use a small plate. This way, you will feel not guilty when you fill it up.
  • If you want to try all the dishes served, eat small portions.
  • Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Opt for alcoholic beverages with fewer calories such as Cosmopolitan, Bloody Mary, and Mojito.
  • Drink more water/fruit juice than alcohol.
  • For desserts, eat less chocolate, cheesecake, and other sweet treats. Go for fresh fruits or salads.
  • Eat slowly. And when you are already full, simply stop eating.
(Sources: HealthCastle.com, Handbag.com)

How To Prevent Dengue

Ang dengue ay nakukuha sa pamamagitan ng Aedes aegypti at Aedes albopictus. Maaaring ikaw ay magkasakit ng dengue sa pamamagitan ng kagat ng lamok na Aedes aegypti o Aedes albopictus na naka-kagat sa isang taong may sakit na dengue.

Anong sintomas na ikaw ay nagkaroon ng dengue?
  • pabigla-biglang pagtaas ng lagnat na umabot hanggang 40°C mula sa dalawa hanggang pitong araw.
  • sakit o pamamanhid ng kabutuhan (joints)
  • sakit ng ulo at panghihina
  • pagkaroon ng pupulahing puntik-puntik sa katawan
  • sakit ng tiyan
  • pagdudugo ng gilagid at ilong
  • pagsusuka at pagtatae ng may kulay pula o itim
Sa anong paraan upang maiwasan ang sakit na Dengue-Hemorrhagic Fever?

  • Takpan ang mga lalagyan ng tubig gaya ng drum, balde at ganun na rin ang balon kung meron kayo upang ito ay di mapag-itlogan ng lamok.
  • Linisan o kuskusing mabuti ang mga gilid ng mga sisidlan ng tubig gaya ng drain pan o mga plorera dahil ang itlog ng lamok ay maaaring dumikit sa mga gilid nito. Palitan ang tubig ng plorera makaisang beses sa isang lingo upang maiwasan ang pag-ganap ng "wrigglers" ng itlog ng lamok.
  • Linisin ang baradong alulod ng inyong bahay upang di mananatili ang tubig-ulan.
  • Butasan ang mga gomang ginagamit na pampabigat sa atip ng bahay upang di rin ito mapunduhan ng tubig.
  • Linisin ang palibot ng bahay. Itapon o ipunin ng maayos ang mga walang lamang lata, bote at huwag hayaang mapunduhan ng tubig kapag umuulan.
  • Ugaliin ang 4 o’clock habit – Maglinis ng buong paligid at magpa-usok sa pamamagitan ng mga tuyong dahon, kahoy, o basura na WALANG halong plastic, cellophane, styrofoam at goma dahil ito ay nakasisira rin ng ating ozone layer.
Ano ang dapat ispin at gawin?
  • Huwag painumin ng ASPIRIN ang taong nagkasakit ng DENGUE.
  • Huwag hayaang madapuan o makagat ng lamok ang pasyenteng may Dengue upang di kumalat ang“virus” ng lamok.
  • Painumin ng maraming tubig ang pasyente.
  • Magpakonsulta agad sa doktor o sa pinakamalapit na ospital o Health Center sa inyong lugar.

Source: Dengue Prevention and Control Program, Infectious Disease Control Unit, Polomolok Municipal Health Center

How dangerous are snake bites?

How dangerous are snake bites? - Yahoo! Philippines News:

Why do snakes bite? Who do snakes bite? And what should be done when bitten by a snake? We don't often hear questions like these asked in normal conversation. This is because snakes are not very common animals like dogs and cats that can be easily spotted in households. In the Philippines, out if the few hundred species of snakes, there are thirty poisonous snakes that can be identified. Snakes can be found in rural areas, especially farmlands and rivers where they can easily prey on smaller animals and live in the moist. This also makes people in rural areas prone to snake encounters and snake bites - something that should not be taken lightly, even from non-venomous snakes. Five million snake bites are recorded worldwide yearly and causes about 125,000 deaths. This number should not be taken lightly, considering that snakes are only common in tropical regions and in agricultural areas.

Why snakes bite

Snakes bite when they are attacked. Most people who encounter snakes commit the mistake of engaging the snake and turning aggressive towards it making the snake defensive. When you encounter a snake in the wilderness, it if doesn't harm you first, it's best to just keep away from the snake instead of trying to kill it.

Snake bites that lead to deaths are not only caused by the venom from the snake. Infection, tetanus, as well as improper handling or treatment of the bite can lead to more deaths. So when faced with this problem, one must be able to provide first-aid as well a treatment to lessen the harm that can result from the bite. What to do when bitten by a snake

Here are some things that should be done if someone has been bitten by a snake.

Get away from the snake.Call for medical help.While waiting for medical help, apply first-aid on the snake bite.Wash the bite with soap and water.Immobilize the bitten area and keep it lower than the heart.Cover the area with a clean, cool compress or a moist dressing to minimize swelling and discomfort.Monitor vital signs.

If a victim is unable to reach medical care within 30 minutes, the American Red Cross recommends:

Apply a bandage, wrapped two to four inches above the bite, to help slow the venom. This should not cut off the flow of blood from a vein or artery - the band should be loose enough to slip a finger under it.A suction device can be placed over the bite to help draw venom out of the wound without making cuts. These devices are often included in commercial snake bite kits.

Sources: Emedicinehealth Pinoy Mountainer

Colorectal cancer 3rd highest killer disease

Colorectal cancer 3rd highest killer disease - Yahoo! Philippines News: "'Our colon can be likened to how the colon of a cow works; it is more suitable for fibrous food like vegetables and fruits rather than meat,' explains Dr. Manuel Francisco T. Roxas, president of the Philippine Society of Colorectal Surgeons (PSCRS) during the recently concluded 1st National Convention on Colorectal Surgery. Dr. Roxas, who is also the head of The Medical City's (TMC) colorectal surgery section shares that colon cancer is now ranked as the third killer disease in the country, an alarming jump from its seventh spot 10 years ago. Global scenario Worldwide, colorectal cancer is a very common condition. But colorectal surgery had become active and vibrant especially in European countries that the development in technology and specialization has led to higher survival rates of colon cancer patients. Meanwhile, the death rate in countries that have strong screening programs and where treatment is sophisticated is going down." Sadly, the same cannot be said about local conditions. While the country does not have a strong screening program, there are also very few doctors who specialize in the field of colorectal surgery.

14 tips for a healthy digestion - MIND YOUR BODY By Willie T. Ong, MD

14 tips for a healthy digestion - MIND YOUR BODY By Willie T. Ong, MD | The Philippine Star >> Lifestyle Features >> Health And Family: "14 tips for a healthy digestion
MIND YOUR BODY By Willie T. Ong, MD (The Philippine Star) Updated June 08, 2010 12:00 AM

Eating and digesting food are major functions of the human body. We eat to obtain energy to do our work. Our stomach and bowels need to properly digest and absorb the nutrients we eat. Here are 14 stomach-friendly tips to help your digestion:

1. Eat six small meals a day. Most nutritionists recommend that we eat five to six small meals a day. Why so? First, this schedule will help reduce sudden surges in your blood sugar. Second, it prevents you from overeating because of hunger. Third, the smaller food intake is easier for the stomach to digest. And fourth, frequent meals help prevent hyperacidity and ulcers. Eat several times a day, but just a little. A banana or an apple can be considered a snack already."

Your guide to preventive health care

Your guide to preventive health care - AN APPLE A DAY By Tyrone M. Reyes, M.D. | The Philippine Star >> Lifestyle Features >> Health And Family: "You are responsible, in large part, for managing your own preventive health care. It is the most important investment of your time and money. Yet, most Filipinos do not receive all the important preventive services they need — that is, screening tests for early detection of disease, immunizations, and education about healthy habits. Why not?
  • Many Filipinos are not aware of these various preventive care services, and even if they do, they may not be able to afford them.
  • A great number of Filipinos have no health insurance to pay for tests, vaccines, and other medical care.
  • Many people do not get continuity of care. They may have to switch doctors as they switch from one insurer, company, or HMO, making it hard to keep track of what services they’ve had.
  • Many miss out on preventive services because they do not go to their doctors for years, do not go for the tests their doctors recommend, or are confused about which tests to ask for. They may not know that prevention is the most economical form of medicine — well worth budgeting for, even if insurance doesn’t cover it."
  • With tests for some cancers, there’s the embarrassment factor. Some people may dread being tested for colon, prostate, cervical or breast cancer and they are relieved if the doctors fail to mention it. Some people would simply rather not know.
  • Both patients and doctors may be confused by contradictory recommendations. What should a medical checkup consist of? How often should a woman have a Pap smear?
  • Doctors may fail to ask patients about smoking and drinking, not to mention exercise habits, diet, sleep, and emotional problems.

Wheatgrass boosts the immune system

Wheatgrass boosts the immune system | The Philippine Star >> Lifestyle Features >> Health And Family: "MANILA, Philippines - Did you know that the body’s�immune system is our amazing, complex way to fend off foreign bacteria and viruses which cause infections or illnesses? The immune system recognizes viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and foreign bodies, and signals the brain to activate the immune processes. The first line of defense is the skin and mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, and other areas that prevent the intrusion of harmful agents. Just imagine what will happen if an intruder enters the body and the first line of defense is not strong enough to ward off or attack the harmful trespasser. A research conducted at Loma Linda University in California and reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that sugar suppresses immunity. Drinking 24 ozs. of soda (which contains sugar) depresses the activity of neutrophils (the white blood cells responsible for fighting infection) by 50 percent."

Boosting your body’s immune system can help halt the onset of frequent colds, arthritis, and even cancer. Avoid excessive stress as it can also compromise your immune system. Nutrition and physical activity play a vital role in supporting the body’s immune system. Wheatgrass is known to enhance immunity. Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass is an excellent and unique source of nutrition which utilizes the roots and leaves of wheatgrass, and is processed using the multi-awarded aeroponic technology to actually help regulate the body’s immune system, strengthen its deficiencies, and reduce overactive systems.

Easy Pha-max wheatgrass contains high levels of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and proteins. Here’s how Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass acts in four interrelated ways in the body. First, the enzymatic activity supports the transformation and absorption of nutrients. Second, the alkaline nutrients found in abundance in Easy Pha-max Wheatgrass help the digestive system. Third, the high level of chlorophyll in wheatgrass juice helps in blood oxygenation, and because minerals and trace elements can be easily absorbed, there is a significant increase in blood quality. Fourth, blood quality leads to improved blood circulation.

For more information, call toll-free 1-800-10-8901111, 890-1111 or visit wheatgrasscan.com.

The Barley Plant

The Barley plant is something referred to as barley grass or just plain barley. Barley’s latin name is Hordeum Vulgare, and it belongs to the graminae family, that includes wheat, rice and bamboo. While some healthcare practitioners, include the barley plant as member of the gluten grains group, which comprises wheat, oats and rye. Members of the graminae family are essentially free from toxic substances and are resistant against substances.
Barley can also be regarded as either “young barley” or just “barley”. The difference lies in the time of harvest of this plant. “Barley” leaves mature to a height of one meter and it contains about the same vitamins and minerals as that of green vegetables. The cause for this is the channeling of nutrients to across the entire length of the plant to the seed heads at this stage of its development. On the one hand, “young barley” leaves contain the most nutrients in the leaves itself as it grows to a height of 20-30 centimeters. This is because the nutrients are concentrated in the plant itself, before it enters the reproductive cycle of creating grain. Thus, this is the best period of its development to be harvested. This is type of barley leaf from which Green Power is created.


Amazing Noni "Apatot" Plant

11.27.2013 "Apatot" is a plant what we call in the Phillipines for Nonu, Nono, or Noni which has become popular for years ago in t...