Filipino Best Recipes: NESTLÉ: How to Eat and Drink for Exercise

Things you need to know about eating and drinking for exercise:

1. Eat a light and healthy meal before exercising. If you don’t eat, you may feel sluggish or lightheaded during exercise. Try NESTLÉ Fruit Selection Yogurt, NESTLÉ NESVITA Pro-Weight Management Non-fat Milk, or NESVITA Cereal Beverage. A slice of bread or a small piece of fruit are also good choices. And then wait one or two hours before starting any activity.

2. If you need to eat a big meal before exercising, wait it out. Large meals usually take 3 to 4 hours to be completely digested. The ideal time to wait before starting any fitness activity is about:

1/2 hour after a light snack
1 hour after a light meal, heavy snack, or meal replacement drink
2 hours after a regular meal
3 hours after a big feast

3. Don’t eat while exercising. If you do, your body shifts fluid and blood away from your muscles and into the gastrointestinal tract. This increases your risk of stomach ache or muscle cramps.

4. Make sure you’re well hydrated before, during and after exercise. Muscle cramps are caused by excess water loss or dehydration through perspiration. Prevent cramps after exercise, specially the night after exercise, by keeping well hydrated.

Drink at least 2 cups of water about 2 hours before exercise.
Drink another 2 cups of water within 20 minutes of exercise.
And drink water during exercise. Whether you feel thirsty or not, drink 1/2 cup of water every 10-15 minutes.
After exercise, compare your post-exercise weight with your pre-exercise weight and drink 2 to 3 cups of water for every pound lost.

5. It’s very important to eat a healthy meal after a workout. This helps the muscles recover and replaces their glycogen stores. Glycogen is the fuel we burn when we exercise.

6. It is not advised to eat a heavy meal in the first hour after exercise. Have a snack or light meal about 30 minutes after exercise. The ideal post-exercise snack is light and nutritious, like a cup of NESTLÉ NESVITA Pro-Weight Management Non-fat Milk, NESTLÉ Acti-V or NESTLÉ Fruit Selection Yogurt.

7. Avoid consuming too much fatty food just before exercising. Fats are harder to digest and remain in your stomach longer, and thus may cause you to feel uncomfortable.


Boost your health and immune system with the right kind of food.

There's no such thing as good or bad food, only a good and bad diet. Here are some food which you might want to include to maintain a good diet.

Love your heart just a little bit more by pampering it with oatmeal! Oats have soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol. In fact, studies have shown that people who regularly eat oatmeal are less likely to develop heart diseases. So keep your heart beating stronger by consuming a bowl of NESVITA Oatmeal today!

There’s nothing ordinary about this dark-greened vegetable! In fact what is found inside makes it so extraordinary! Broccoli contains compounds that were found to have powerful cancer-fighting substances: sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. It is also contains fiber and may have anti-ulcer activity.

Bananas are packed with nutrients like potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Aside from their nutritional value, bananas may very well act as a first-aid remedy for diarrhea.

Watermelon has always been dismissed as an insignificant fruit mainly because it is 91 percent water. But, did you know that it contains beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid that’s associated with reduced heart disease risk? It is also abundant in Lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce cancer.

Moringa or Malunggay
Don’t let its size deceive you! It may be small, but this vegetable is definitely loaded with so many nutrients! In fact, health experts refer to Malunggay as “nature’s medicine cabinet” because it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, Malunggay is also known for its medicinal properties, including helping strengthen the immune system, restore skin condition, heal inflamed joints and control blood pressure.

Remember, the right diet can help you attain the healthy body you need to enjoy life to the fullest!


Halamang gamot- Luya (Ginger)

Latin Name -Zingiber officinale

Ginger is a tropical plant that has green-purple flowers and an aromatic underground stem called a rhizome. Ginger is commonly used as a spice in cooking, and is prominent in Chinese, Indian, and Japanese cuisine. The rhizome of the ginger plant is used fresh or dried, and used as an ingredient in tablets, capsules, liquid extracts (tinctures), and teas. Ginger is also used as a flavoring in food and beverages, such as ginger ale.

Traditionally, ginger has been used in Asian medicine to treat stomach aches, nausea, and diarrhea. Many digestive, nausea, and cold and flu dietary supplements sold in the United States contain ginger extract as an ingredient.

Ginger is used as an herbal remedy in the hope that it can help alleviate symptoms of postsurgery nausea as well as nausea caused by motion and chemotherapy.

Ginger is the subject of research for its ability to help reduce inflammation, and its effectiveness as a potential herbal remedy for inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and joint and muscle pain.

Research studies are mixed on whether ginger is effective for nausea caused by motion, chemotherapy, or surgery.

According to research up to this point, it is unclear whether ginger is effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or joint and muscle pain.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) funded investigators are studying:
  • Whether ginger interacts with drugs, such as those used to suppress the immune system.
  • Ginger’s effect on reducing nausea in patients on chemotherapy.
  • The general safety and effectiveness of ginger’s use for health purposes, as well as its active components and effects on inflammation.
Suggested link to related articles: Ginger's Health Benefits

Side Effects and Cautions Summary
  • Ginger side effects most often reported are gas, bloating, heartburn, and nausea. These effects are most often associated with powdered ginger.
  • Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health to help ensure coordinated and safe care. Complementary or alternative therapy should not be used in place of conventional medical care or to delay seeking that care.


Ginger. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Web site. Accessed July 6, 2007.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). Natural Standard Database Web site. Accessed a July 3, 2007.
Ginger root. In: Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckman J, eds. Herbal Medicine Expanded Commission E Monographs. Newton, MA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000:153–159.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale). In: Coates P, Blackman M, Cragg G, et al., eds. Encyclopedia of Dietary Supplements. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker; 2005:241–248.

Ginger's Health Benefits: Fighting Pain, Inflammation, Arthritis

Fragrant herbs and spices such as ginger are some of the most powerful weapons we have to help combat inflammation from a nutritional perspective.

Inflammation causes or contributes to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and many types of cancer, as I wrote in a recent review that appeared in Nutrition in Clinical Practice.

Aromatic ginger is a superstar of traditional medicine in Asia, where it has been treasured for thousands of years for its amazing flavors and impressive health benefits.

Ginger Used as Painkiller for Arthritis
Ginger contains dozens of the most potent inflammation fighting substances known, phytonutrients called gingerols.

Japanese researchers writing in the Journal of Medicinal Food explain that red ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Rubra) is used in Indonesian traditional medicine as a painkiller for arthritis.

In research done over the past 30 years, science has found support for the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, according to a review published in the Journal of Medicinal Food. The authors note that one early study compared the medicinal potential of ginger to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's). Common examples of NSAID's include Advil, Motrin, Aleve and aspirin. It found that ginger, like the NSAID's, inhibits the enzymes cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2. (Cox 1 and 2).

More Health Benefits of Ginger
As I explain in my book "Power Healing," ginger contains over four hundred chemically active ingredients and has been used traditionally for digestive complaints. It may protect the stomach from ulcers and has a wide range of parasite-fighting abilities.

Studies indicate that ginger may be helpful for nausea, and migraine headaches.

What is Ginger and How is it Used?
Ginger is a rhizome, and is akin to a carrot with multiple stems. It is remarkably simple to use. It is available as a powder which can add instant flavor to favorite dishes such as soups and chili. In addition, fresh ginger is available here to be used sliced or grated and cooked.

Healthy Eating Tips: How to Add Ginger to Your Day
Ginger is adding international style and flair to dishes in fashionable restaurants, so why not bring some of that great flavor home to your kitchen? After these tips, please see below for a recipe featuring ginger.

Ginger is used often in Chinese cuisine, where it gives dishes a touch of spiciness. In the U.S., ginger is widely available as a powdered spice, and this makes a handy pantry item. Fresh ginger provides even more flavor and aroma and can be found right in your supermarket. Look for fresh ginger that is firm to the touch and not wilted, dried out or moldy. Choose fresh ginger that is organically grown in the U.S.

To use fresh ginger, remove the dark peel and cut a section of the light colored root. Finely chop the ginger and it is ready to use in recipes for cooked dishes.

Making Fresh Ginger Tea
Fresh ginger tea can be made by adding finely chopped ginger to boiled water, letting it steep for 2-3 minutes, and then straining out the ginger.

And don't forget about including anti-inflammatory foods like ginger in your routine.

suggested links to related articles:

    Halamang Gamot: Aloe Vera – Know What This Herb Does What

    Aloe Vera – Know What This Herb Does What

    Latin Names – Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis

    The aloe vera plant is a hardy evergreen perennial that is used as an herbal remedy around the world. It has spiky green leaves that contain a clear gel that has traditionally been used as a topical ointment on the skin as a moisturizer and also for wounds, burns, sunburn and psoriasis.

    Dried aloe vera gel has been used as an ingredient in various treatments in European folk healing as well as Chinese and Indian traditions. The green part of the leaf that surrounds the gel is used to produce a juice or a dried substance (called latex) that is used as an ingredient in herbal remedies.

    Aloe vera has been in use as an herbal remedy for over 4,000 years. Today aloe vera is grown in quantity in the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, Africa, India and China. Aloe vera can also be grown at home, as an ornamental shrub in the garden or indoors in pots.

    Traditionally, aloe vera was used topically to facilitate healing of wounds and for various skin conditions, and orally as a stomach remedy. In China, aloe was used for fungal conditions. In India, aloe was used as a stomach treatment, as a laxative, and for parasites.

    Today, aloe is also used topically in the hope of improving osteoarthritis, burns, and sunburns. Aloe vera gel can be found in hundreds of skin products, including lotions and sunblocks.

    Aloe vera latex contains strong laxative compounds. Products made with various components of aloe (aloin, aloe-emodin, and barbaloin) were at one time regulated by the FDA as oral over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives. In 2002, the FDA required that all OTC aloe laxative products be removed from the U.S. market or reformulated because the companies that manufactured them did not provide the necessary safety data.

    Aloe has been studied for its health benefits such as its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Early studies show that topical aloe gel may help heal burns and abrasions. One study, however, showed that aloe gel inhibits healing of deep surgical wounds. Although aloe vera has been used following radiation exposure, one study concluded that aloe gel does not prevent burns from radiation therapy.

    There is not enough scientific evidence to support aloe vera for any of its other uses.

    Side Effects and Cautions Summary

    • Abdominal cramps and diarrhea have been reported with oral use of aloe vera. Diarrhea, caused by the laxative effect of oral aloe vera, can decrease the absorption of many drugs.
    • Aloe vera can cause allergic reactions.
    • People with diabetes who use glucose-lowering medication should be cautious if also taking aloe by mouth because preliminary studies suggest aloe may lower blood glucose levels.
    • Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health to help ensure coordinated and safe care. Complementary or alternative therapy should not be used in place of conventional medical care or to delay seeking that care.

    Aloe. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Web site. June 5, 2007.
    Aloe(Aloe vera). Natural Standard Database Web site. Accessed on June 3, 2007.

    Secondhand smoke may affect kids' mental health

    Secondhand smoke may affect kids' mental health
    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Breathing secondhand smoke could increase a child's risk of mental and behavioral disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), suggests a new study.

    The study adds to evidence suggesting that kids of mothers who smoked while pregnant may be more likely to have behavioral problems. Secondhand smoke exposure has also been linked to heart and breathing problems in kids.

    "It's time for us to begin to prevent children's exposure to (secondhand smoke) if we are serious about preventing these diseases," Dr. Bruce Lanphear, who heads the Cincinnati Children's Environmental Health Center, told Reuters Health.

    "We have sufficient evidence to prevent many of these diseases, but we don't," added Lanphear, who was not involved in the study.

    The authors, led by Frank Bandiera of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, studied the link between secondhand smoke and mental health in a nationally representative sample of almost 3,000 kids ages 8 to 15.

    Researchers measured the level of cotinine - which forms when nicotine in tobacco breaks down - in each kid's blood to find which kids had been exposed to secondhand smoke. Kids with the highest levels of cotinine were considered to be smokers themselves, and were not included in the study.

    The researchers also interviewed all kids to see which ones showed symptoms of a mental or behavioral disorder.

    After taking into account factors such as age and race, boys who were exposed to secondhand smoke were more likely to show symptoms of ADHD, depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder than those with no secondhand smoke exposure. Girls who were exposed to secondhand smoke had more symptoms of ADHD and anxiety only.

    However, the number of kids actually diagnosed with most of the conditions was still small. While 201 kids, or about 7 percent, had enough symptoms of ADHD to be diagnosed with the disorder, only 15 kids were diagnosed with depression and 9 with an anxiety disorder.

    Researchers acknowledge that it can be difficult to separate the effects of secondhand smoke from harm caused by mothers smoking while those children were in the womb.

    In a commentary accompanying the study, Dr. Jonathan Samet from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California said that more research is needed to determine how exactly exposure to secondhand smoke could affect kids' brains.

    Bandiera also noted that the study can't prove that secondhand smoke causes mental and behavioral disorders. But in the meantime, he told Reuters Health, "We should keep the kids away from secondhand smoke."

    His study was published online Monday in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine alongside research from UK authors also showing a link between secondhand smoke exposure and poor mental health in about 900 kids.

    The U.S. Surgeon General has estimated that about 60 percent of children are exposed to secondhand smoke.

    Lanphear said that while there might not be enough definitive evidence to tie secondhand smoke exposure to mental health problems, it would be a "surprise" if there was not a link between the two.

    The authors conclude that more efforts are needed both to ban smoking in all public places where there are children and to prevent kids from being exposed to secondhand smoke at home.

    SOURCE: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, online April 4, 2011.

    Mealtime Matters

    Experts everywhere agree that it is important for family members to eat at least one meal a day together as a family. If possible, work around the family members’ schedule to be able to set aside a certain time to eat together.

    Mealtimes are special moments when stories are shared and family memories are formed. Sharing meals helps cement family relationships and encourages bonding. Good mealtime experiences nourish the mind, body and soul.

    Benefits of sharing a meal
    According to university studies, families who eat together also stick together. Experts say that the beneficial impact of family mealtime has been demonstrated for children of all ages: better grades, healthier eating habits, closer relationships to parents and siblings, ability to resist negative peer pressure, and resilience in the face of life's problems.

    Here are 10 benefits to eating meals together as a family.
    1. Children can learn to share, be polite and respect others through the mini lessons of table manners (when we say “please” and “thank you,” for example).
    2. Family conversations help build confidence in young children. Eating together also encourages adult-child communication skills such as listening patiently to each other and expressing one’s opinion in a respectful manner. Furthermore, children who often hear adult conversation improve their vocabulary, reading test scores and speaking skills.
    3. Family meals can also help keep children and teenagers from developing eating disorders. Conversations slow down meals, which helps the body digest food more efficiently.
    4. A study at the University of Minnesota found that young girls who frequently eat with their families have better grades and fewer depressive symptoms.
    5. Studies report that family meals are strongly related to the development of adolescent mental health and stability. Additionally, more than a decade of research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University has found that when kids eat dinner more often with their families, they are less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs.
    6. Mealtimes provide a setting for moral and intellectual discussion where family values are shared. A sense of belonging and mutual trust is fostered when adults and children eat together and enjoy each other’s company.
    7. Having meals together also boosts emotional health. Laughter often happens at the dinner table. Mealtimes allow adults and children to express their feelings freely.
    8. When a meal is prepared at home, it will more likely be balanced and nutritious, which is better for everyone.
    9. When children help with meals, they learn skills such as shopping, setting the table, preparing food, serving food and cleaning up. Family meals can foster family traditions.
    10. Finally, family mealtimes help the members get along better. Each member becomes updated about the others’ lives and is able to help each other get through difficult challenges.

    Show Your Kids You Love Them Through Food

    Show your kids your love by helping them build healthy nutrition habits that they will bring with them into adulthood.

    Loving your children means wanting and doing the best for them, and this is primarily true when health is the issue. Parents encourage children to eat healthy so they will develop healthy eating patterns for life. Their eating habits now can affect the state of their health today and in the future.

    Children, especially younger ones, will eat mostly what’s available at home. It is also true that they follow role models, and that’s you! It’s very important for parents to be conscious of what they buy, what they cook and serve, and what they eat themselves. Consider these 5 guidelines on how to encourage healthy eating among children.
    1. Have regular family meals. Make it a family ritual where you catch up with each other. Grab this chance, too, to introduce kids to new foods and to show them how to eat healthy. It’s best to do this daily, possibly dinner, but if that’s difficult, you can have Sunday lunch together. Parents, avoid lectures and arguments during mealtimes. Keep the atmosphere calm and congenial.
    2. Be a role model by eating healthy yourself. What they see you eat is the key here. So make sure you choose the healthy food options. Show them, too, that you are conscious of portion sizes and tell them why overeating isn’t healthy.
    3. Avoid battles over food. Don’t use food as a bribe or a prize, or give them something every time they eat healthy. Rather, limit the food choices at home and allow them some control over what they eat by letting them choose from what’s available. Let them decide, too, when to eat and when to stop eating, but make sure you are able to establish a schedule for meals and snacks.
    4. Involve kids in the process. You can do this by asking their help when planning meals, bringing them to market or the grocery, or by asking them to help out in the kitchen. Show your appreciation about the good choices they made, or how they helped buy or cook the food. When kids are involved, it helps prepare them to make good decisions on their own about the foods they want to eat. And this usually leads to a lifetime of healthier choices.
    5. Stock up on healthy foods. Always include fruits and vegetables into your daily meals—remember to aim for at least 5 servings a day. And keep healthy snacks available at all times: cut-up carrot sticks or celery sticks, yogurt, whole-grain crackers/bread and cheese, nuts, whole-grain cereal, milk, juices, etc. Limit purchase of unhealthy chips, cookies and candy—but don’t ban them entirely so your kids don’t feel deprived.


    Moneywise Advice: Grow your own vegetables and herbs

    There is something romantic about harvesting produce from your own garden and actually using them in your kitchen to whip up fresh and nourishing meals for the family. But aside from the satisfaction, you also get to save some money and you can be absolutely sure that your veggies and herbs are fresh and pesticide-free.

    Whether you have a big yard or a small space with little pots and containers, you can grow your own veggies and herbs! Your family can enjoy fresh, nutritious and wholesome foods all the time. Here are some basic guidelines to follow.

    Plan your garden. This involves deciding on a spot, selecting the crops you want to grow, and creating a garden layout. Choose the sunniest part of your yard or garden space. If you have limited space, buy some containers and place them on a sunny patio, deck or lanai.

    Next, choose your crop based on the eating habits of your family. Your aim is to get as much of the veggies and herb requirements from your own patch. Choose crops that can grow in our hot and humid weather. You can get tips from the sales people at the store where you intend to buy your seeds and plants.

    Some suggestions include kangkong, calamansi, tomatoes, patola, ampalaya, lemongrass, basil, eggplants, string beans, kamote, chilis, okra, rosemary, oregano, mint, sage, and many more.

    Prepare your soil. This is an important part of gardening. Add organic humus (compost, peat moss, well rotted/processed manure) to your existing soil. You can buy soil and organic fertilizers at seedling banks and plant stores. Make sure that the containers for your soil can drain it well. You also need to remove small rocks and stones. Work your soil before planting by plowing while it’s wet, but not too wet that it forms a ball. Water your garden thoroughly the day before you intend to plant.

    Plant your vegetables and herbs. Mark a separate space for the herbs, or put them in individual containers. If you are working with plots, plant tall crops on the north side so they will not shade the rest of the crops. Plant the medium sized crops at the center, and the low growing crops at the south end.

    Build trellises or set stakes for climbing plants. You also need to establish your pathway early on. When sowing your seeds, be wary of the depth and spaces in between as these are very important (seed packets indicate these). If you are using plants, dig a small hole slightly wider and deeper than the root of the plant. Gently loosen out the roots with your hand then water the plant thoroughly before planting it in the garden. Make the soil firm around the plant, making sure that there is good soil-root contact.

    If planting seeds, distribute them evenly when planting. Large seeds can be placed individually in the row, but plant extra seeds in each row for failed germination. Cover the seeds with fine soil and pack the soil over the seeds to ensure good moisture contact. Then water lightly using a gentle spray. Make sure to keep the soil moist until seedlings shoot up.

    Here are some additional tips:
    • Give your plants extra water during dry periods.
    • Eliminate pests and bugs early. But don’t use pesticides once the plants bear fruits.
    • Regularly pool out weeds because these can rob your plants of water, light and root space.


    How to feast the healthy way

    We all need to watch what we eat the whole year through, and not only during the holidays. But during this special time of the year, all attempts at healthy eating are conveniently forgotten. We over-indulge in food and promise to pay for it at the gym next year.

    However, lavish parties and bountiful buffets are no excuse to stop eating healthy. Keep these tips in mind as you celebrate Christmas and New Year with your loved ones.
    1. When at a party, concentrate on socializing and making new acquaintances. Have fun with people and don't think too much about the food.
    2. Check out your food options and come up with a plan that will allow you to try the foods you really like. For example, you can opt for the salads, chicken breast, steamed veggies, water instead of soda, fresh fruits, plain potatoes and plain rice. You can also plan to get small portions of the dishes that you like.
    3. Don't arrive at parties on an empty stomach. You can eat a light meal like cereal, oatmeal, fruits, nuts or salad before you leave the house.High-protein foods like chicken and cottage cheese will actually help you eat less later.
    4. For potluck parties, bring a healthy dish.
    5. Don't drink too much and stay away from tempting snacks.
    6. Eat slowly. Take small bites, chew slowly and savor your food.
    7. Leave the table after you have eaten. Don't linger by the buffet table to avoid the temptation of getting seconds.
    8. If possible, do a light activity after eating. Offer to help with the dishes, clear the table or take a walk.
    9. Limit your kids' intake of sodas, sweets and cakes.
    10. If you're hosting the party, offer non-alcoholic beverages and healthier options like veggie dishes, fresh fruits and healthy salads. Use low-calorie and fat-free ingredients like salad dressings, milk and oil.
    11. When choosing your drink, opt for teas, juices or plain water instead of diet sodas or alcoholic beverages.
    12. Be realistic. Don't even try to diet during the holidays. Just aim to maintain your present weight and you're good.
    13. Don't stop exercising. Now is the time to get your body moving.
    14. Don't be afraid to say no. You don't have to say yes to everyone who offers you food and drink. If you're not hungry, don't eat.
    15. Ease bloatedness and other tummy troubles by eating fiber-rich foods like yogurt or wholegrain cereals. After feasting on hams, queso de bola and other rich holiday dishes, give your stomach a break by snacking on fresh fruits or veggie sticks, wholegrain cereals, or a cup of healthy yogurt!

    Show your skin some lovin’ with these basic skincare tips

    Aside from being the first thing that other people may notice about us, our skin has many functions. In fact, there can be no emphasizing the important role our skin plays in our bodies. It is our largest organ, covering everything else as a huge waterproof envelope does, and as such, is our first defense against germs. Skin also controls the body’s temperature, so we sweat when it is hot, and shiver and get goosebumps when it is too cold. An important component of the skin is the pigment called melanin, which not only gives us our color, but also helps protect us from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

    These are the reasons why meticulous skin care is not merely a matter of vanity, but an important health routine too. There are now many skin care products that are coming out in the market today: some for whitening the complexion, others for getting a youthful glow, and there are also others for eradicating skin imperfections. But nothing beats the basics, and healthy skin simply needs care and consideration. Here, we give simple tips for getting skin-tastic!
    1. Keep it clean. Make sure that you cleanse your skin gently and thoroughly, and that goes not just for your face, but the skin all over your body. As with the products you use for your facial wash, make sure that the soap you use for hand scrubbing and bathing also has a mild formulation.
    2. Be gentle. Even though a hot bath sounds like a relaxing idea, you have to make sure that your water is not too hot. This robs skin of its natural oils and leaves it dry. Exfoliants help to scrub away dead skin cells, but you have to remember that they are not meant for everyday use. Excessive exfoliation can irritate your skin.
    3. Keep away from irritants. Many experts advocate using natural items that are found in your pantry as masks, peels, or scrubs. These are fine and dandy, however, you should check for allergic reactions by dabbing a dollop of the product on a small area of your arm. Soaps and creams with strong perfumes, or unregistered products that have not been approved by your country’s drug agency can cause allergic reactions or worse, so you should be wary of these too.
    4. Moisturize and hydrate. Dry skin is itchy, flaky, unsightly, and irritating. So you would do best to avoid its triggers, such as using strong soaps or applying too much alcohol, and dry weather conditions. Dry skin can also be caused by excessive alcohol intake, so drink moderately! Several glasses of H20 helps keep the skin healthy by flushing out toxins. With inadequate amounts of water circulating through the body, toxins can build up and escape through skin pores. This contributes to acne. Therefore, by flushing the body internally with water, acne breakouts are less likely to occur.
    5. Stamp out smoking. Cigarette smoking contributes 4000 toxins to the body and is taken by the bloodstream directly to the skin, leading to wrinkles, skin discoloration, and acne. In fact, the British Medical Journal published in 1985 states that smokers can be identified easily by the appearance of the skin. So if you want to look younger and healthier, think twice before lighting up!
    6. Eat right. Feed your face right with nutrients such as Vitamin E, for youthful, glowing skin, found in nuts, seeds, and egg yolk; Vitamin C, which eliminates free radicals in the body that destroy collagen and elastin, found in citrus fruits and green leafies; and Vitamin A, which is necessary for the repair of skin tissue, found in low-fat yoghurt and other dairy products.
    7. Slather on sunscreen. Sunscreen isn’t just for the beach! Even on cloudy days, the sun’s harmful UV rays can still get to you. So before you head out, reach for a trusty bottle with at least an spf of 30, and remember to reapply after two hours of sun exposure.
    8. Trust only a pro. Never try anything drastic, such as a facial or wart treatments, without consulting a reputable dermatologist. A dermatologist can recommend the best treatment for skin problems such as acne or scars that will work best with your skin type. Before having any skin work done, insist on a consultation with the establishment’s dermatologist. It may be more expensive or time-consuming to do so, but it is the best way to save your skin from damage.
    Get some shut eye. The term beauty sleep is not just an empty promise. Skin repairs itself when you are at rest, so make sure to catch enough Zs. On the graveyard shift? No problem. Experts say that as long as you get eight hours of sleep a day, regardless whether it is in the daytime or night time, you can still get the full benefits of snoozing.

    Daily activities to help keep you fit!

    Do you find yourself fighting off the little bulges? And much as you want to go to the gym to shed off a few pounds, your hectic schedule simply does not permit? Sadly, for some, taking care of one’s body through exercise is always at the bottom of the priority list. Good thing staying fit is not limited to the exercise routines performed inside the gym. Your day-to-day activities can actually count for a true-blue workout! Research suggests that maintaining an active lifestyle is the key to good health and weight management. Here are some simple little workouts that you can do to help keep you fit, trim and healthy!


    Walking, according to experts, is an excellent way to burn calories. It also helps improve mood and reduce stress. Take time to have a 30-minute walk. If you think that the place you’re heading to is not that far, instead of riding the car, just walk. All you need to do is to have a comfortable pair of footwear with you always and you’re ready to go!


    Just like walking, climbing up the stairs is a great calorie burner and will definitely help tone your leg muscles. More so, this type of exercise helps strengthen cardiovascular stamina. It increases blood circulation and improves lung and heart function.


    You read it correctly. Cleaning the house is also a good way to keep your body healthy and fit. Intense cleaning can really tone specific parts of your body. For example, vacuum cleaning can do wonders to your arms and shoulders. And while you’re at it, put on a good music or two, jive to the beat so household chores become more fun!


    Work out your body by dancing! The good thing about this activity is the fact that you can do it anywhere you want to, even in the comforts of your own home! Shake those calories off, keep the blood circulating, and reduce stress and tension by dancing! It is definitely one fun and hardworking exercise that will keep you young and energized! Need a partner? Hold the doorknob with one hand and imagine it’s your partner’s hand!


    If you’re a mom or you have young siblings, then you can benefit tremendously from this excellent exercise in disguise! Running after your young one helps strengthen your stamina. The lifts will surely help tone your arm and leg muscles. Your mental alertness will also be practiced, as you have to be quick to respond to your child’s unpredictable antics. An afternoon of playtime would surely help burn fats significantly and leave you feeling good about yourself for putting a smile on your child’s face!

    Sources:: exercise.html#ixzz0wqHhmUWr

    Why antioxidants are good for us

    We all know that oxygen is essential for our bodies to function. But scientific studies have shown that oxygen can produce toxic substances as well. Some examples of these toxins are peroxide, superoxide, hydroxyl radicals, and something called “excited stage oxygen.”

    When these substances combine with other molecules in the body, “free-radicals” are formed. These are high-energy chemical substances that can damage our healthy cells and cause diseases like inflammation and infections, degenerative arthritis, diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. This free-radical damage is also known as oxidization.

    Antioxidants work by preventing excessive oxidization and repairing the damage to the cells. Normally, our bodies can supply its own antioxidants. But when there is rapid production of free-radicals (from exercise, smoking, exposure to radiation or other metabolic processes like the breaking down of food), our bodies will need an additional supply of antioxidants from external sources.

    Here’s an experiment you can do right in your kitchen. Cut an apple until it begins to turn brown. This discoloration is due to oxygen reacting with the apple, creating free-radicals. This is oxidization at work. Then, dip the apple in some lemon juice or orange juice, which contains vitamin C (an antioxidant), and watch the discoloration slow down. The vitamin C in the juice decreases the rate of free-radical activity taking place in the apple.

    A recent study conducted by researchers from London found that 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily can reduce the risk of stroke by 25 percent. Antioxidants may also enhance immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.
    Boost your body’s antioxidant level by consuming these foods:

    Examples of Antioxidants  Food Sources
    Carotenoidsbroccoli, spinach, squash, melon, sweet potato, carrots
    Vitamin Ccitrus fruits, green peppers, broccoli, green leafy
    vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes
    Vitamin E nuts and seeds, whole grains, green leafy vegetables,
    vegetable oil and liver oil
    Vitamin Acarrots, broccoli, tomatoes, peaches, sweet potato, melon,
    squash, cabbage, pechay, watermelon
    Seleniumfish and shellfish, red meat, grains, eggs, chicken, garlic
    Lycopenetomatoes, watermelon, guava
    Luteincorn, mango, broccoli, kiwi, spinach, melon, cabbage,
    egg yolks, peas
    Lignan oatmeal, sesame seeds, cashew, broccoli
    Flavonoids/Polyphenolscoffee, tea, soy, red wine, purple grapes, onions, apples

    Coffee, in particular, is an important and common source of antioxidants in many people’s diet throughout the world. Unlike food types that we can sometimes tire of, coffee remains a constant in our daily routine, ensuring that we receive antioxidants on a daily basis. So go ahead and enjoy a cup of antioxidants with NESCAFÉ and make it part of your daily habit!


    Ready and Steady

    Weather any calamity safely by stocking up on these tools and supplies in your home.

    In order to help your family weather an emergency situation better, it is best to remember that old scouting motto you learned in grade school – be prepared! This just doesn’t come in handy when camping outdoors, but it can really make a difference when typhoons bring floods and power outages even in the most exclusive of enclaves.

    The first step to being prepared is to have a stock of necessary items that can tide you and your family over in an emergency situation. According to the American Red Cross, there are supplies that you should always have on hand:

    1. Water: It is recommended that you store at least one gallon of water per day in a three-day supply for each member of the household, including your pets. Water should be stored in plastic containers that do not decompose or break. This stored water supply should be changed every six months.
    2. Food: Go for non-perishable food that is ready-to-eat, such as canned meat or vegetables, soups, juices, and milk. Other good ideas are peanut butter, jelly, crackers and energy bars. Special diets should also be taken into consideration, as should instant coffee and tea mixes, breakfast cereals, and hard candies. Salty food, such as pretzels and chips, will only make you thirsty, so veer away from those. If you own a pet, dry pet food should also be on the emergency supplies list. Your food stocks should be changed or replenished at least once a year.
    3. Medical supplies: Your basic first aid kit should contain the following – self-adhesive bandages; gauze pads; scissors; antiseptic; cleansing soap; moistened towelettes; latex gloves; petroleum jelly or other lubricants; thermometer; non-prescription medicines such as pain relievers, antacids, laxatives, anti-diarrheal medicines; and special medications for members of the family who may need it, such as medicine for diabetes, hypertension, or asthma.
    4. Beddings: You also have to consider having alternative beddings such as sleeping bags and warm blankets, in case your family may have to relocate to another area.
    5. Tools, gadgets, and equipment: There are several things that you should always have ready when there are calamity warnings in your area. First, keep your cell phone with a fully-charged battery handy, as wire-based phone services may be disrupted. Flashlights and batteries are better alternatives to candles and gas lights, as are rechargeable lamps. In case of power interruptions, a radio that can run on batteries can help keep you updated on the situation at hand. 
    Other items that should be tucked in your emergency pack are:

    • A whistle – which can be used to call for help
    • Signal flares
    • Matches or other lighting implements
    • Multi-tool knife
    • Can opener
    • Copies of important documents in sealable waterproof containers
    • Hygiene items such as tissue and feminine napkins

    All members of the household should be informed where the emergency kit is located. To be really ready and steady, gather the family together to form an emergency plan, where you can discuss exit routes, standard emergency procedures, and to assign responsibilities for each member.

    Another important thing to remember in emergency situations is to be level-headed at all times. Panicking may lead to making the wrong decisions at crucial moments. It is best to simply be prepared in order to help you stay cool and safe in any situation!

    Filipino Best Recipes: Grilled Pork with Pineapple-Cucumber Sauce

    1 can (20 oz.) Dole Pineapple Chunks
    2 teaspoons finely grated orange peel
    1 large orange, peeled and coarsely chopped
    1 cup peeled, seeded and chopped cucumber
    1 tablespoon finely chopped red onion
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
    1 teaspoon lime juice
    3 tablespoons honey
    1 tablespoon mustard
    1 tablespoon seeded and finely chopped chili
    2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped
    2 to 2-1/2 pounds pork tenderloin

    1. Drain pineapple chunks; reserve juice. Set aside.
    2. Combine pineapple chunks, orange peel, orange, cucumber, onion, cilantro and lime juice in bowl. Cover and refrigerate.
    3. Combine reserved juice, honey, mustard, chili and garlic in shallow non-metallic dish. Add pork; turn to coat all sides. Cover; marinate 15 minutes in refrigerator.
    4. Grill or broil pork 35 to 40 minutes or until pork is no longer pink in center, brushing occasionally with marinade and turning halfway through cooking. Discard any remaining marinade. Let pork stand 5 minutes. Slice pork into 1/4-inch rounds. Serve with Pineapple-Cucumber Salsa.
    Rich in Potassium and Vitamin C.

    Get more tried-and-tested" recipes for meals that are a snap to prepare. Visit FilipinoBestRecipes

    Classic With Twists Recipes:

    Fiesta Paksiw

    Pork Chop Steak

    Pina Beef Steak
    Pork Pina Humba

    A burning warning on microwave ovens

    CONSUMERLINE By Ching M. Alano | The Philippine Star >> Lifestyle Features >> Health And Family

    Now, this topic is hot, hot, hot! There’s probably one sitting in your kitchen. And you’re probably using it more than once a day. It’s that M word: the microwave oven, of course! Latest scientific clinical studies done by Swiss, Russian, and German experts dish out this burning warning: Throw away those microwave ovens! And here are the hot top 10 reasons why you should (as can be gleaned from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website):

    1. Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long-term permanent brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain (de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue).

    2. The human body cannot metabolize (or break down) the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.

    3. Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

    4. The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual (long term, permanent) within the human body.

    5. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food are reduced or altered, so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

    6. The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

    7. Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths (or tumors). This may explain the rapidly increasing rate of colon cancer in America.

    8. The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

    9. Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

    10. Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

    There are Russian research documents written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.

    Fiery warning on secondhand smoke

    MANILA, Philippines - As a non-smoker, you’ve probably been exposed to other’s people’s cigarette smoke during social occasions. Or maybe you normally go outside with colleagues during their so-called “ciggie breaks.” Perhaps you think you’re out of harm’s way since you’re not puffing that cigarette yourself. But here’s a fact: Secondhand smoke can be just as (if not more) hazardous to your health.

    Leading health institution and the hospital with a heart Makati Medical Center exposes the truth on secondhand smoke and its effects on overall health and well-being.

    According to Dr. Eriberto Esguerra of the MakatiMed’s Department of Pulmonology, secondhand smoke (also called “passive smoking”) is comprised of over 4,000 chemical compounds, 200 of which are identified as poisonous and more than 60 as carcinogens. “Some of the chemicals in secondhand smoke include hydrogen cyanide, which is used in chemical weapons; benzene, formaldehyde; and carbon monoxide. We’re talking about a potentially fatal mix of harmful substances here,” he stresses.

    Dr. Esguerra cannot be any more correct. Statistics show that there is really no amount of secondhand smoke that can be considered a safe dosage — that means the more smoke you inhale, the higher your health risks become. Passive smoking increases non-smokers’ risk of developing lung cancer and heart disease by up to 30 percent. It also increases their chances of developing other cancers (nasal sinus cavity cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and bladder cancer, among others) and lung diseases (such as tuberculosis and pneumonia).

    Secondhand smoke is also responsible for causing asthma, middle ear infections, coughing and wheezing, dental cavities, and eye and nose irritation in children. It also increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) for children whose mothers smoked while they were pregnant.

    With one in 10 tobacco-related deaths being caused by secondhand smoke (resulting in 600,000 premature deaths per year all over the world), it is painfully clear that even non-smokers aren’t exempt from the dangerous effects of smoking.

    In the Philippines, millions of individuals are equally exposed to secondhand smoke. After a 2009 survey on passive smoking was conducted among Metro Manila residents, Akbayan party-list representative and anti-tobacco advocate Risa Hontiveros-Baraquiel noted that it is the local culture of “hiya” and “pakikisama” that forces non-smokers to continually becoming reluctant participants of passive smoking.

    It is therefore important that Filipinos learn to do away with the sense of embarrassment and hesitation when it comes to voicing their aversion to secondhand smoke. “It’s ironic how it’s the non-smokers who are the ones who seem ashamed to ask smokers to stop smoking in front of them, when in fact it is their health that is being put at risk,” Dr. Esguerra says.

    In the aforementioned survey, only a mere eight percent of the 8.7 million Metro Manila respondents admitted to having the courage to stand up for themselves and let their objections/frustrations be known to smokers.

    Dr. Esguerra emphasizes the importance of confronting smokers when necessary. “It doesn’t matter if these smokers are your family members or friends. Be upfront and honest, and let them know how you feel about them smoking when you are with them. If you say it nicely enough, chances are that they will understand. Finally, take responsibility for yourself — if you know the people with you are going to smoke, politely excuse yourself and move to another area. Don’t endanger your health for the sake of pakikisama — it’s just not worth it,” he advises.

    For more information, visit Makati Medical at 2 Amorsolo St., Makati City or call the MakatiMed 24/7 on-call hotline at 8888-999. Visit

    Ways to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles for Younger-Looking Skin

    Ways to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles for Younger-Looking Skin - Yahoo! Philippines News:

    To prevent and treat wrinkles, you should protect your skin from the sun, quit smoking, avoid stress, hydrate yourself, apply Tretinoin creams, use alpha hydroxyl acids, and consider opting for laser treatment.

    As a person grows older, their skin becomes drier and less elastic, making it more prone to wrinkles. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent wrinkles, as well as skincare products that can treat them. You have probably heard of argan oil and anti aging benefits that it offers. Here are some ways to prevent and treat wrinkles:

    Protect your skin from the sun

    Sun exposure has been identified as one of the primary causes of wrinkles. The sun can dry out your skin, and when skin loses its natural oils and moisture, it is more prone to wrinkles. Because of this, it is very important to avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible. Before you go out of the house, be sure to protect your skin by applying sunscreen lotion with sufficient sun protection factor (SPF). Not only can the sun dry out your skin, but it can also cause sunburn and irritation.

    Quit smoking

    Aside from being harmful to one's overall health, smoking also has aging effects on the skin. The term "smoker face" has been attributed to the manifestations of smoking on one's physical features. These include the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the smoker's face, especially around the lips, corners of the eyes and the lower jaw. The best and most effective solution to avoid these negative consequences is simply to quit smoking.

    Avoid stress

    Stress has always been said to make skin look aged and unhealthy. It is best to unwind from work and stressful activities regularly. Keep an optimistic disposition, engage in a sport or exercise and eat healthy food. Additionally, get enough sleep every night.

    Hydrate yourself

    Dehydration can cause skin to dry out. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day, or even more if you frequently drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol. Additionally, drink plenty of water after exercising or doing any strenuous physical activity to replenish your body of the water it has lost.

    Apply Tretinoin creams

    Tretinoin creams are made from vitamin A and are known to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. They are prescribed by dermatologists to treat skin imperfections caused by sun exposure, age spots and even wrinkles. You may ask the advice of a dermatologist and whether a Tretinoin cream is right for you, as this treatment can only be dispensed to customers with a prescription.

    Use alpha hydroxyl acids

    Some research has shown that alpha hydroxyl acids are effective at removing wrinkles and age spots. This treatment, however, should be used with caution as it increases the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Users of alpha hydroxyl acids should minimize sun exposure because it could damage and irritate the skin. It is best to seek expert advice from a dermatologist regarding this kind of treatment.

    Consider opting for laser treatments

    Erbium lasers and carbon dioxide lasers are well-known treatments for wrinkles. These laser treatments are quite expensive and are considered a minor surgical procedure.

    Although skin aging is natural, there are still methods and products that can help you have healthy skin free from wrinkles.

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