The Health Benefits of Calabash Tree and How I Make Juices Out of Its Fruit

Calabash is an ornamental tree that produces a large, hard, green skinned fruit. Flowers bloom at night and in its native range are pollinated by bats. Fruits maybe take about six months to ripen.

There maybe no medical proof that the juice of the Calabash fruit has any healing properties but a lot of people I've asked and they testified that they have been cured just by drinking the pulp. That is why I wanted to have also a tree grown in my garden for our use. I heard from people around our community who have been using it saying that the pulp of the fruit has medicinal properties, that can be a remedy for respiratory problems such as asthma and cough and even the leaf can be used in tea also to treat colds, diarrhea, dysentery and headaches.

The leaves also are used to reduce blood pressure and the decoction of the tree bark is used to clean wounds and also to treat hematomas and tumors. The fruit of the Calabash Tree when roasted is also a good treatment for menstrual cramps or to induced childbirth, therefore it should not be used by pregnant women.

How To Make Calabash Juice

According to many, they used to choose a fruit which has a pleasant but not strong smell for juice making, Since the skin of the fruit is very hard, you need to use a hacksaw blade to open it. Scrape out all the inside material, chop it into small pieces and then squeeze it. Bring it to boil for 30 minutes. When done, let it cool then drain through a cloth. Put the juice into bottles and refrigerate it, then simply drink it and heal!

The simplest way..

The first time I tried calabash juice is when I got sick due to over fatigue and stress. My friend neighbor next door offered me some glasses of  her calabash juice.  I was reluctant to intake at first because I don't like its color (heavy black) but then when tasted, it was so sweet like a "tiki-tiki vitamin" for me.  It really relieved me so the following day I asked one big fruit from my neighbor's harvest and she gave me the one that has a crack. I did just put it down inside the refrigerator for awhile because I was busy that day in store. Later, I noticed and wondered how come that many black ants are getting inside our refrigerator though it is very cold. I found out that the calabash juice is draining out through the crack shell and the ants are sucking the calabash juice. I transferred the fruit reversing on a big ceramic bowl keeping it untouched the ground of the bowl so it can easily accumulate juices. I tried a little of the juice and tasted it better and much sweeter than that which was offered to me. Now I know, and I believe that producing the juice out of a fruit naturally gets more health benefits and more effective than doing it through a boiling process. That's it how you could make it the easy way and more beneficial! You just crack the fruit shell a little (not open), let it drain in the refrigerator and just wait for the juices to accumulate and transfer it little by little into a glass jar.  Do not use any plastic bottles/jars to avoid possible contamination of the juice. And of course, you must keep the juices refrigerated.

I am assured by myself and many people that once you drink the Calabash Juice your health will improve and any illness that you have will leave your body for ever! The taste of the juice is not unpleasant. It's just a bit like a flat root beer or like a "tiki-tki".  I've been drinking it and seems no worse after drinking it! 

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